What is Digital Demand?

October 10, 2019 | by James

What is Digital Demand?

You’ve reached this blog post for a reason. And you know what? It really isn’t because you’ve failed in any way, so if that thought is in your head, get shot of it right away.

No, it’s because you love your business. You entered your market for a specific reason and you can’t bear to think of doing anything else.

There’s just one problem - you’re not generating enough new leads and subsequent sales. And that’s a big problem.

Thankfully, the Digital Demand team can help, but the first step is recognising you have an issue and identifying the key driver for requiring external assistance.

Here’s five reasons your business probably needs help from Digital Demand.

1. I can’t find our company on Google
It’s a bit galling when you’ve spent a small fortune on a website only for it to seemingly sit under the radar on Google when you try out a few search terms that relate to your industry.

Don’t worry - it is there, somewhere, but it’s probably buried knee-deep in irrelevant search results. We’ll ensure you appear exactly where you should - every time.

2. Google Analytics thinks we’re brilliant - but we don’t convert
Google Analytics provides great insight into the way your website is performing, but it rarely shows the whole picture.

If your analytics are looking good but conversions are near non-existent, something is clearly wrong.

Digital Demand has the knowledge, experience and tools to find out what’s going wrong and rectify it. Those visits should be offering a healthy conversion rate, after all.

3. I’ve wasted money on SEO
Let’s not beat around the bush - there are some pretty shady SEO practitioners out there.

This means it’s all too easy to spend far too much money on bad SEO, and if you do that, you’ve probably got a bit of a sour taste in your mouth.

Well, here’s some good news - it is possible to spend money on good SEO that provides a measurable return on investment.

You just need to find the right external assistance. Thank god you found this blog post, eh?

4. I don’t have time for lead generation
That’s fine - you’re not alone.

In fact, few business owners have time for lead generation. And the same probably goes for your sales guys, as daft as that sounds.

After all, wouldn’t you much rather your sales team worked on converting hot leads? Of course you would - and that’s why lead generation in the digital age is much more appropriate as an outsourced element of your business.

We’ve got time for lead generation, and lots of it!

5. I can’t remember the last time a lead dropped into my inbox
You’re in business to make money, and you can only do that if you’ve got a consistent stream of leads flooding you’re inbox.

There’s nothing more satisfying that waking up, checking your email inbox and finding a bunch of new leads waiting to be converted. Digital Demand was created to help that become a reality for your business.

Let us help you start every day with a bunch of new leads.

Wrapping up
Let’s make the most of your business and show the world how awesome your products and services are.

Digital Demand is the missing piece of the jigsaw for your sales and marketing teams. Get in touch today to find out more.